[Maverick Heart]

by Kaori Raven

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Kaori Raven

. . . [You're only as old as you feel, but I feel about 86...]

Hey, that's me! I created Maverick Heart and a whole lot of the characters, and I draw all the comic pages and make all the graphics, handle the site, etc. In other words, I'm pretty cool...hehe. One day, I just up and decided I wanted to make a webcomic. Originally, the storyline and characters were all right off the top of my head...I used a random name generator to come up with Danyell's name (and the kooky spelling) and it wasn't very good...besides, I had absolutely no way to put it online. But then, I came across Comic Genesis and...well, here it is! CG was a little difficult to figure out at first...but I'm learning, and the comic itself has come a long way since the random name generator. I'll be improving my skills as I improve my comic and I'll try my best to make it the best!

Gender: Female
DOB: May 25 19XX (I'm a Gemini ^_^)
Fav. Food: Spaghetti
Fav. Anime Char: Kenshin Himura
Fav. Video Game: Kingdom Hearts 2
Other interesting facts: Playing piano is my favorite thing in the world. I'm deathly afraid of butterflies. And I pull back the pages of books and pet them...I'm telling you, bible pages are soft!!! And my DeviantArt account is here.


. . . [Doll_Face was looking good 'til she killed herself]

Ra has been with me since...heck, almost before I can remember. She's my nee-chan and my best friend and my cuddle buddy and more. A buttload of the characters in Maverick Heart belong to her, and she's been very gracious in letting me use them. It'd make for a pretty drab story without them...after all, Kamui's sister, Kendall's sire, Kendall's lover, and about 20 other vampires are hers. O_o just think of how MH would be without her!! But...anyways, many, many, many of the story ideas are hers and she's the best friend a gal could ask for. So...kudos for you, Ra!!!

Age: 3021 (LoL)
Gender: Tomboy with style
DOB: February 23 (she's a Pisces ^_^)
Fav. Food: Tacos, Teriyaki Steak, and Pizza
Fav. Char: It was Rufus. Now it's Roxas.
Fav. Video Game: FFXII
Other interesting facts: Her hair reaches past her waist...or almost...and it's red...for the time being. She's going to anime con as Klaha and Rufus this year. She loves kids (to an extent, of course) moreso than I ever will, and she's the kinder of the two of us, even though she may not seem so at first. Her name is Dani Boi on the forums. ^_^ So...badmouth her and feel her wrath!! >W<

Maverick Heart is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.